You animal you!

Here in Namibia there is an ant that I have only come across in the north. I don't know its name, but it is very interesting.

It builds a huge nest of clay in the shape of an ice-cream cone turned upside down. It does, however, lean to the north and the side facing north is flat. This is done so that the "rooms" where they grow the mushrooms they live from receives enough heat. They then harvest this for food.
There are a few things to take from this:
1 - The ant knows it has to work hard to survive. To have food it has to build a nest, plant mushrooms and harvest, as well as a few other things. They are true too Provterbs 6:6

2 - The ant knows that, to stay alive, it has to face north. Facing north is like knowing God, the One who gives them life. We should do that to.

3 - The ant knows when to harvest the mushrooms. They have their daily bread, physically. We should do it spiritually.

God designed the ant, as well as the human. We should honour Him with our lives. The ant does...


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