
A proudly South African delicacy, that is biltong. Its meat, raw meat, salted and spiced to perfection, then hanged out to dry. Some people love it when its still pink on the inside, while others prefer it dry throughout, and hard. I like the in between variation.

Today I had a healthy helping of biltong compliments of the guys at the office. Such a treat, it actually becomes a bit of an addiction until the portion is finished. I just could not help but indulge!

As I drove home I realised that I have an incredible thirst. Because of all the salt I took in my mouth was dry and I was somewhat dehydrated. Funny thing is that, while I ate the biltong, I was fine. At home I drank about 1.5 litres of water tonight and I'm still thirsty! 

Real life works the same. As you commit sin it rarely feels wrong. Most of the time you only realise afterwards what you have done. That's when the guilt sets in...

The only way to combat this is through good habits. We have to 'train' to live without sin. Its a constant battle, but has to be done. Sin won't result in you not going to heaven, that's the result of giving your life to Him. By eliminating sins we change our lives for His glory, to honour Him.

Just do it!


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