
Its time for the greatest sport on earth to commence again: Test Cricket. There are only a few things that I like more than an action packed day of cricket, especially test cricket. All the stats, all the mini-battles and the drama. Every stare, every bouncer and the celebration of a fifty or a hundred. Its pure magic.

I am sure the England versus South Africa series will provide all of the above, as well as hopefully enough memories to talk about for many years. I am looking forward!

Now I know a lot of you are not huge cricket fans and might not understand my fascination with the game, or half of the lingo I am using, and I am sorry for  that. The fact is that things you really like are the things you spend time on, be it cricket, sport, family, work, nature, religion, etc.

As stated in Matthew 12:34 - for out of the overflow of the hart the mouth speaks. You will find time for the things you love.

Find time for the Lord...


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