
Remember when we were little we used to play yo-yo? Walk-the-dog and the swing were common tricks. We challenged each other to see who could perfect it and even placed bets on it.

The best thing about a yo-yo is that it always returns to you, a bit like a boomerang. You let it go, but as soon as you realise that its going to run out of steam you pull it back. You are in total control...

In my relationship with God He is the yo-yo, I am me and the string is the relationship. I am in control. I can decide to be close, or to be far from Him. He is always there. I can play games with Him, or work on having a committed relationship. Its my decision...

Keep on going with the effort you already put in. It might not always seem to be worth it, but a breakthrough is near! If your string is long, pull it back and make a new commitment, its worth it!

Live a little


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