Back to school

I still remember my first day of school like it was yesterday. I am sure its a day my mom would rather want to forget! My older brother was already in grade 4 when I started, so he had no worries, he knew the ropes by then. I, on the other hand, had to be begged to wake up, begged to put on my school clothes and forced to stand still for a 'before' photo. Until today I cannot look at that photo. Eyes full of tears for whatever reason...

Tomorrow I am back at 'school' again for the first time since 21 May 2012, the day I lost part of my ability to speak. I have to go back to work. Its a good thing, as I am not able to do nothing anymore. I need the challenge and I need the environment. Its also good since it means that I have healed sufficiently in order to be able to work.

In all, everything that happened was a big miracle. I can speak again (to much for some peoples liking!), I don't get a lot of headaches like before and I am not that dizzy anymore. All praise to a faithful God.

Its not by chance the He says in Hebrews 13:5 “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”
He wants the best for us, more than we could ever imagine, more than we dream of. He loves us, abundantly so. Every hair on your head is numbered - Luke 12:7.

I will face every day since I know that He is with me.


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