The bearded one

Those of you who saw me during the past few weeks, or saw photos of me, would have noticed it I am sporting a bit of a beard. Its something I always wanted to try out, but never had the guts for, as it would irritate me after a while, or it would look to unprofessional for work. On my fathers side of the family almost all of my uncles have beards. I could almost say its in my blood... I will, however, shave it off before returning to work.

Another person who had a beard (or is it just long hair?) was Samson. He had great physical power through the fact that his hair was never cut as in Judges 16:17. He must have looked like the Flintstones as his hair would have been all over.

The question is whether the hair on is head actually gave him physical power. The answer must be NO as, if it was like that, all men would have had long hair and beards. I know I would have... If that is the case, why did Samson have this immense power?

This is very simple. He had great power because he was obedient to the Lords word. God told his parents that he is not allowed to shave, for if he did he would lose his strength. By being obedient he could destroy thousands single-handedly.

What does this mean to me? The principle remains the same: If I do what He says, and only that, He will give me the strength I need to persist. 

Follow Him, and only Him.


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