Who am I?

As mentioned in one of my previous blogs I have two dogs, Franklin and Jefferson. We received Franklin in July 2009 and bought Jefferson in October of the same year. Both of them are dogs (thus males), thus we thought that they might be a bit aggressive with each other.

During the first six months Jeffey was a lot smaller than Franky. He got rolled over almost every time and had to submit constantly. This forced him to be weary of Franky, even if a fight was not on the cards. He is grown up now and is the same size, if not bigger than Franky. If a motorcycle drives past our gate Franky would be there to ensure that his territory is protected. He barks like crazy and would sit there until the peace is restored. Jeffey would also run closer, but only to the edge of the patio. If he runs to the gate Franky attacks him as if he is the culprit. You see, he has learned that Franky is in charge of the yard and he has to submit. 

In a humans life, this is also the case. We get told that we cannot do certain things. We tell ourselves that we cannot do certain things. And we believe it. Since we believe it, we also do not try to achieve it.

We are more than just dogs:
1 - We should rule over the earth - Genesis 1:26
2 - We are the head and not the tail - Deuteronomy 28:13
3 - We are more than conquerors through Christ - Romans 8:37

It is time that we start living like this and be who we are meant to be. Not for ourselves, but for His glory.


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