
Sometimes we as christians walk with our noses in the air. From past experience I have learned that there are two types of christians. The first type is born as christians. They grow up in christian houses and know everything about God and religion. They are fine just the way they are and live life as they learned from their parents.

The second type are reborn christians. They are people who were never in touch with God,but came to know Him and decided to follow Him by willingly giving their lives to Him. An active decision was taken.

I was part of the first type, but became part of the second type in 1996.

I still make decisions every day. Some of them good,others less so. Even though I have to pray and connect with God daily, constantly, I never have to make the decision to give my heart to Him again.

BUT: If get lukewarm in my relationship with Him, I must re-commit to follow Him. It is my believe that I am still saved even though I neglected the relationship.

My relationship must be relevant and change peoples lives. Yours as well. Re-commit to Him. Or, if you haven't done it yet, commit for the first time. Don't postpone...
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