Don't let it fail

Most of us do have cars. Most of us also service our cars regularly (or let it be serviced...). When my car goes in for a service I always ask them to verify that the brakes are still in a working condition and that it would last until the next service. I do this to ensure that I would be safe for the next 15000km, as well as to ensure that I dont have to take the car in inbetween regular services.

You see, if your brakes fail chances are that it could be catastrophic. It would probably happen when you least expect it, that is, when you can afford it the least, in an emergency...

The same goes for our spiritual lives. In order for us to function efficiently we have to be serviced regularly (read: daily). We cannot take chances and risk everything until an emergency is upon us. We have to invest in our relationship with God. The same example can be used for eating. We have to eat daily in order to have the energy to function optimally. 

A cars brakes are a safety feature that cannot be ignored. In our relationship with God we also need these safety features, I call them checks and balances:
1 - Wake up every day to devote yourself to Him by reading from the Bible and praying
2 - Have an accountable friend with who you can share difficulties and problem areas in your life (sin)
3 - Connect with fellow believers by going to church and cell-groups
4 - Pray throughout the day, silently, like talking within a real relationship

Check your brakes...


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