Zebra heaven

I took this photo while visiting Etosha in Namibia, July 2012

People who know me well would know that I have a special bond with zebra's. They kind of appeal to me. I don't know why, or how it started, but I do know that when I see one of them something within me is enlightened. It makes me happy.

This fascination is a bit of an addiction really. I have now started to buy zebra figures at every place that we travel to as memorabilia. At the moment I own 9... I also have a zebra blanket to protect me from the cold this winter. I resent people who own zebra skin, who displays it in their houses, as it means that they had to kill one of them in order to own it: not cool!

Although I do like zebras, I do not have any relation with them. They only make me happy. God, on the other hand, is related to us and LOVES us. He loves us so much that He gave His only Son to die in our place - John 3:16

He looks at us and is happy. His heart skips the proverbial beat when He thinks of us. I am sure that when we talk to Him His whole 'world' stands still so that He can listen to what his child says. After all, He is our Dad. He wants the best for us. He wants us, He does not need us. He longs after our affection.

Spend time with Him today, you need it more than He does...


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