
Standards are one of those things that only goes up. Compare cars from 1970 to cars of today. The same make of car looks vastly different. Back in the day cars were square, these days they become more and more round.

Who decides on these changes? Its quite obvious, we as humans do. See what 2 Corinthians 10:12 says: we do not dare to classify or compare ourselves to someone who commended themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise. 

We set the standards. Then WE measure ourselves to these standards. Then: We mostly fail these standards...  these standards suffocate us.

It is important that we set targets for ourselves in life, but they should be motivational, not a discouragement. We should become better and better people, but in Jesus we are not required to do good deeds for eternal life, we have it. 

The basic standard is to grow in Him by talking to Him, reading His word and passing it on. Set your own standards, but in Him.

Read verse 13 as well...


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