Sitting in my coffeeshop

Often we go to a coffee shop to have a piece of cake, as well as some traditional coffee. I don't have a favourite shop, but try out as many different as possible. Friends tell us about a new shop they have discovered and then we also visit those.

When we go there one of our favourite things to do is to pretend to figure out what other people are discussing. It usually turns out more or less like a soap opera, overelaborate and dramatic. We say the first thing that comes to mind. We do roleplay where my wife has a part I have a part. Normally very funny!

The last time we did this I sat there thinking: What if another couple did the same with us? What would they be saying? How much drama would they build into their act, seeing as I am a little bit expressive?!

The fact of the matter is that how you see other people is in all likelihood how they will see you. The perception you form about them will be reflected back to you. They will treat me as I treat them. I don't know how it works, but that is what I've observed...

The Bible actually says that you should treat others as you want to be treated (Luke 6:31). If I do that to others they are more than welcome to do the same to me. Fair is fair. If I treat them bad, they might do the same. Respect, love and patience, all part of his perfect plan for us...


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