To love or not to love?

How do you know if you love something?

If I go away for a while, the things I love are the things I miss most. Sometimes seen as the obvious things: My wife, my dogs, family, being at my own place, etc. We all have those things that we like, or love. The things that makes us tick, the things that makes us feel safe...

When I was hospitalised and operated on I had a lot of time to think. I knew what happened cannot be by chance, there had to be a reason. What the reason was I didn't know. Now, a while later I have come to the realisation that while living my life I might not have given my Saviour the time and attention that is proper.

I have had 5 weeks off now and though I could not read too much I could talk again. In ICU thats all I could manage if I didn't sleep. Silent prayer.

Maybe it was time for me to sit back and evaluate my life. I have made adjustments and will continue to do so. Maybe it is time for all of us to evaluate where we stand in life. To decide what is important, what we love.

Take up the challenge, for your own good...


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