The tale of two terriers!

Certain things in life happen by chance. Others are there because we make certain choices. No matter what the origin of these choices are, all of them affect our lives and forces us to adjust.
In July 2009 we received a Scottish terrier as a gift. We had about 5 days to decide and plan this move. Although it was a straight forward decision in the end, we still had to think about whether or not our lifestyle would suite another living being. After deliberation it was decided that we will take him, and make him part of the family.

Life has not been the same since then. We took him to St. Lucia a month later, something we probably enjoyed more than he did. We allowed him in our house as it was winter, now hes n regular fixture. By about October we realised that he was alone and should get n brother. We bought another one and spoiled the both of them rotten. I think they've got a great life!

In many ways I figure this is the same as when we are born. The only difference is that God knows exactly what will happen to us, where as we cannot control our pets in all circumstances. God showers us with love, plays with us, spoils us, teases us I am sure, comforts, forgives, and, and and. We are completely in His control, if we allow Him. HOWEVER, He allows us to make choices from free will for which we have to carry the consequences.

And that, I fear, is the whole point. We cannot blame God for anything. No matter what happens to us in life, its what we allow God. He is jealous of us, but loves us so much that he would not interfere with our choices. Even if you have brain surgery he will be there. He will guide every Doctor, every decision maker, every task. We better just allow him.

Make that decision today to recommit, since you never know when this decision might be taken from you...


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