
Every year winter sneaks up on us as if we never knew it was coming. Some years feel colder than others, while the type of work you do also plays a major part. Being outside is obviously much colder.

Winter is an odd time in certain respects. While its cold, its also not the prettiest time of the year. The grass is dead, there are no leaves on the trees, the night is much longer than the day and you cannot swim! You have to wear layers and layers of clothing which isn't ideal, not to me in any case...

There are some positives as well:
- You have a much better chance of seeing game while on a game drive
- You can light a fire in the fireplace (true bliss, if you own one...)
- Everything regenerates

That is the real point.

During the time that we complain about freezing, the earth around us dies down and prepares for spring. The fact that the veld and our gardens are not green means that its in a period of rest. Without even thinking about it we know that it will be abundantly green again! Nature is getting ready for spring...

There are a few things in our spiritual lives that I take from this:
1 - In order for you to live fully for Him you have to die to yourself (John 12:24)
2 - Rest properly, keep your life balanced (2 Thess 3:16)
3 - Prepare yourself spiritually on a daily basis (Mark 1:35)

As the winter prepares nature for spring, lets prepare ourselves for every day of our lives.


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