Bird watching

Since 2010 my wife developed a keen interest in bird watching. Her argument was that, since we love camping and the outdoors very much, we miss out on a great deal of what nature has to offer. For our anniversary I decided to buy her a South African bird guide, while she (by chance?) bought me binoculars.

Since then, each trip we have undertaken, all our gear went with. A whole new world opened for us. We came to know that in the past we only saw about one quarter of the park we visited as there are many more birds than antelopes. Living in SA spoils us a bit as we get to see the big 5 and some other great animals regularly.

While being at home, after the operation, bored, I started sitting on our stoep, watching birds in our garden. We have some lovely trees (with no leaves since its winter; better view), a bird feeder and water for them. All you need to attract the birds; usually you only need time...

Sitting outside busy with something that I love makes me think a lot. I can spend time with the Lord in prayer, read Bible, or just think about life in general. Its a time for me and the Lord, with no noise, no distractions. Normally I consider being in nature a blessing from Him as it is His creation. He made it so perfectly, so pretty, for us to enjoy and rule over.

There's a lesson to be learned from Matthew 6:26: Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than them? He will provide, no matter what, just put your trust in Him. We are more than birds to Him.

Lets not start worrying, for He is our provider!


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