Just in time

Being an accountant I observe certain things as theory, while others are applied practically. One of them has always been the management accounting term "just-in-time". But before I become too technical, let me explain: "just-in-time" means that your stock or goods are delivered just as you require them, just as they need to be used.

This takes some considerable planning, teamwork and suppliers who are committed to the cause. It is to your benefit in that you do not have to store excess inventory and thus save on rent, a store man, etc. The downside, or potential risk, is that you can run out of a certain item, thus halting your entire process.

As human beings (maybe I am only talking about myself), we tend to do the same. We live our lives without thinking too far ahead. We take it one day at a time and then see if any other need arises. OR we plan so far ahead that we do not live our lives. By doing this we feel that we are in control. From the bit of experience I have this has worked for me in the past.

The past few weeks have taught me some pretty expensive lessons. Some of them deeply personal, while others are more practical. Some are old truths that I might not have implemented properly in my life.

Some tips (or should it be challenges?):
1 - Let the Lord be the first and last of your day, as well as everything in between.
2 - Live for other people. Yes, work is important. Yes, pleasure is important. Yes, we have our personal goals. BUT: in all of these people live and work with us, share our lives, and care for us. Love them and devote your time!
3 - Do not procrastinate. By postponing every time we neglect important things in our lives, as well as place pressure on ourselves and our family.
4 - Live fully! Do everything with passion. If you can't you need to evaluate why you are doing it and make some adjustments. You only have one life after all...
5 - Only the Lord is your supplier. He delivers right on time, knows every need and loves you more than you can handle!

Trust the Lord in delivering!

John 14:1 Do not let you hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.
Psalm 56:3 When I am afraid I will trust in You.
Isaiah 26:4 Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock Eternal.


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