The importance of family

Family is obviously defined as relationships because of ones birth or marriage. This makes sense as we do not have a choice in the matter. We grow up with them and love them, we fight and disagree, and spent highs and lows together.

At different stages we feel different about these members of our lives, to my opinion only because we cannot choose them. Despite this, blood is thicker than water and we continue to support and love each other. When this is not the case we have to do introspection as in most cases its self inflicted.

During times of need family is there, that I have learned. It was especially the case for me recently, and I am VERY grateful!

What I have also discovered that blood isn't the only family that exists. You also get:
 - Friends
 - Cell groups
 - Work
 - Church
 - Camp buddies!

These people have been great and without such support no person could have a normal, functioning and fulfilled life! We are not forced to have them, and can take it as seriously, or not, as we want, but life would not be the same without. Come what may, the future looks bright with all these loved ones and the commitment to preserve and love them all.

Have as many or as little friends and family as you want, but do know that you have to look after each relationship. The number isn't what counts, but the quality. Recommit again!

Luke 6:31 And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.
Romans 12:10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Out do one another in showing honor.

A special mention to our superhuman cell group who, during the past year, proved to be supportive in such awesome ways its deserving of a book!
PS: we need to take more photos...


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