Be a legendary Comrade!

There are certain things in life that some of us would never do. Then, for others, they are so standard or essential that they can't do other than fully commit and ensure that they achieve this.

What I am specifically thinking about is this past Sunday's Comrades marathon. I knew a few people that went to compete in the race, but I only knew one as a close friend. This was the third time that he went toKwazulu-Natal for the prestigious event. During both the other races he had to withdraw after completing a significant portion of the race because of injury. Although myself, and probably everyone that knows him, were very proud of what he achieved, his goal was not achieved, so he started training soon again.
Training takes up probably 11 months of the year. They run half-marathons, marathons, ultra-marathons, and those are only the races. Four or five days a week they run 10 or more kilometres. Rest is maximum one or two days.

One of these days it is the Olympics again. The 100m dash is the greatest race in the world, and I definitely support Usain Bolt!  Usain practises very hard I am sure, and also eats perfectly, gyms, etc. He is, after all, the best ever. The difference between these two world renowned races is the pace at which it takes place.

While the 100m dash is over in less than 10 seconds, the Comrades takes at least 5 hours. In much the same way, I figure, our relationship with the Lord is:
1 - Practise every day (pray, read Bible, talk to Him)
2 - Enjoy the downhills (the freedom that is within Him)
3 - Fight (climb every uphill with Him. After all, He is there)
4 - Remember that it is a race, not a sprint.

We have to put our heads down and count on the fact that He will never leave us, nor forsake us. That is, because He wont. That might only come from our side...

This is the medal of Lennard van Wyk, a very good friend, like family, and now also a Comrades medal holder:

A fitting scripture would be: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize… Philippians 3:13


  1. By the way: Len was ultimate example of endurance and commitment. All of this while the rest of us were resting on our behinds... May this piece of motivation increase our endurance/ commitment to God. Thank you Len


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