Nature looks after itself

Ever thought about how nature works? Sometimes I take a lot of things for granted. Its as if its so 'natural', it goes completely unnoticed. Think about how seasons change, how bees and other insects fertilise flowers in order for it to become fruit. Think about how a wound would close and someday only leave a scar. All of this, and many more, are part of natures way, how nature regenerates itself every year, every season.

Or that's how most people regard it. The big question is what lies behind it. How was it made? There are a lot of theories around like evolution and reincarnation, but there is only one that I believe in. All of this was planned and designed by an almighty, Supernatural God that up to this day and forever more will every second of the day look after it all. He did give it to us to look after, to nurture, and to rule over, but there are too many things that can not be performed by man. Scientists refer to this as nature. I say it is God.

Never take anything as "by change". There is nothing like that. It is all planned by Him. He knows every step we take. Every hair on our head is counted. 

God looks after nature, but more than that, He looks after us


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