
I bought some new numbers for our house. The old number was stolen off the wall, apparently since the thieves can use the metal it is made from again. They either recycle it, or resell it to someone else. Sad, this state of affairs...

People generalise often and say that they are just a number at work. While it might be true that almost everyone can be replaced in the workplace, it is not that simple in terms of relationships. A parent-child relationship or a husband-wife relationship cannot just be changed, number-swapped.

If this is true, how can it be true that our relationship with God can just be ended. He does not just swap one number with the other. He wont allow for us to drift away, not from His side, that's all us.

Ephesians 1:4 says that the Lord chose us before the creation of the earth.
To me, that says a few things:
1 - He knew He was going to create me
2 - He had a plan for me
3 - I have to be blameless in His sight (as per the rest of the verse)

But I, what do I do? Do I return the favour? Do I commit to dialling in to that number, His number? Or do I replace, recycle, resell and forget about Him, as it suites me? I know what I have got in Him, can He bargain on me?

Yes, there is a relationship re-commitment, and it is required every day, but there is also more. Its about truly living for Him. Being plugged in, amplified and ready to ensure that not just something of my day is given to Him, but my BEST.


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