
Yesterday I had to travel back from Johannesburg to Pretoria. I left Johannesburg, the famous Eloff street from Monopoly in the RSA, at 16:10. As soon as I got onto the highway I realised that something is not right... Suddenly, as I always expect from there, I did not move. I soon heard over the radio that a truck overturned on the M1 north and that delays were severe. Not the type of news you want after a day at the office!

By 17:30 I passed this accident, which, by this time, was cleared up. Traffic moved faster, but only for a while when, again, there was an accident about 20 kilometres ahead. We were already standing still at this point. The perfect day, especially if you have an appointment at 7pm! I informed my wife meet me there as I was probably not going to be there on time, something we both have a pet hate for...

By that time I decided to turn the radio of as everything on it I already knew. Rather, I started praying. Now praying is not as complex as we normally make it to be. When we talk to someone we do it out loud as the other person has to hear you. When we pray we also have to do it like this. To just say that I am shy is not excuse enough, my opinion, but also in the Bible: Mark 8:38. We do not always get the time, but sometimes we also waste time. Use you car, your in it alone a lot, or how?

To pray 'softly' is not wrong, but you will find that your mind start dwelling, mine does... 

When last did you sit in complete silence? In the modern era we live in silence is not something we know or are comfortable with. Allow God to also talk to you. He might do it in many ways. Ultimately He will not tell you something differently than something you can test against His Word, the Bible.

Start today!

To be continued...


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