Rain, rain, wonderful rain!

We had our first spring rain today. Normally the first rain is quite gentle and doesn't last long, but today it was different. It only really started raining as I drove home from work. Before that you could sense that something big is on the way as it was dark outside with lightning around.

On my way home the rain started falling very hard. Visibility was an issue and on the radio it was said that a hailstorm was on its way. My wife also phoned to say that hail was coming down at our house. In the meanwhile I parked undercover at a nearby mall to ensure my car is safe as I purchased some groceries and waited for it to calm down. It never did, but at least the hail passed by.

I went home with the storm bucketing down, lightning flashing and the wind blowing! True Southern African weather. As I reached home I could see the effects of the first rains. My swimming pool was filled to the max, the water in it was dark brown, almost black, this after I spent last week cleaning it properly!

The rain washed away all the sand and dust that gathers up during the winter months. As the gutters run down one could see that the water isn't clear. Te loover roof above our stoep was half open and also there what was previously dust saturated the water. I think you get the picture...

This first spring rain cleans the earth and after rain, when the sun shines again, the air smells fresh!

Its a new season, let us also start fresh. Lets recommit, let us choose Life again, choose Jesus.

Let Him rain (reign) in you again!


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