
My wife and I had a stunning weekend with my gran in Vaalwater. She told a lot of stories from when she grew up, about my dad, his brothers and sister, as well about us growing up. I had a lot of fun listening to some stories that I have never heard before. By the way, it is her birthday today.

My Gran, Ria, after blowinng out her candles

The town, Vaalwater, was supposed to have a lot of water. Although Spring only started now, it was still very dry. The grass was brown, trees grey and gravel roads dusty. The dust actually hangs in the air as you walk around. It is quite obvious the the area is in desperate need of rain! 

A fair amount of rain would ensure that the grass, trees and other plants can continue living. The animals, both wild and on farms, would have food to eat. The dust would settle. What a pretty sight that would be: Its been like that before...

In much the same way water also changes the life of humans. Some experts reckon we need to drink a minimum of two litres of water per day. We also need it for a bath and a whole lot of other things. 

Jesus tells us in John 4:14 that whoever drinks of the water that He gives will never be thirsty again. Its not a physical thirst... Its that empty feeling you have if you don't know Him, or if you haven't connected with Him for a while. That hunger for something more to life. We have all been there. Nothing, other that Living Water (read: Jesus), can still that thirst.

Drink, drink, drink from the cup of life!


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