In relation to

Today I had an epiphany moment. Strangely enough it happened in church. You might ask why I say strange, so let me explain.

From tradition the Church is a quiet place. Its a place where we go to sing a song or two, to listen to a sermon and to give some of our money. Most people grew up not to make a squeak, as this will disturb the holy atmosphere while we are in church we are very reserved.

In modern times things have changed a bit. Churches are more relaxed and people act almost normal at church. Almost the way they are at home, well, not quite... You see, that is what struck me: The difference between the God of church and the God at home.

Sometimes we forget that the HOLY God from church is only so present there cause we allow Him. When we go to work, home, school and everywhere else, He is still there. He can do more for you there, He can be more real, than at the actual church building. We are the church, no matter where we are.

The relationship with God is actually very easy as He is in you. How close do you want Him to be? He wants to help, to love, to just be with you. Don't wait for the eventual Sunday in church, have the relationship, and fellowship, NOW!


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