
Tonight we had pizza for dinner. We went to an authentic Italian restaurant not too far from our house. On Mondays it has a half price special, so you leave there with a doggy bag for the next day as well. Not bad at all!

Pizza isn't the healthiest food on the planet... All that cheese, melted, saturated fats! Not good at all. But its so much fun. You can add toppings, remove others, share it, ask for 6 or for 8 slices, and play with your food. Magic!

Its a lot like real life, actually. You know that verse that mentions we are in the world, but not from the world? To me it seems a bit like a pizza. Its mix-and-match, a bit of everything. We are free in Christ, but we cannot do just as we want to. We are the chosen ones, hand-picked, but everything doesn't always go our way.

After all of this one thing is sure: No matter what, Jesus paid the price for us. We cannot take on the colours of the world, but we can shine while living here.

Play your part. Have fun!


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