
I was recently asked where I get the inspiration for every days blog from. At that instant I could not say, but after thinking about it for a while, the answer became quite obvious.

Since I underwent the surgery and could really move around I decided to start writing. Somehow the blog idea came up and I pursued it. At the beginning I thought to write inspirational things, Word that I received and simple lessons. After a while it became a habit and I had to decide whether to continue to try and force topics, or to quit the blog. I decided to continue.

Since that day, when I said that I will continue based on some reliance by some individuals, things changed considerably. Now you can tell me that you don't believe in the supernatural, or in devine intervention, but I can tell you this: Every time I start typing it is as if the words just come. I don't have to sit and think about a topic for hours on end. 

I call it inspiration. My inspiration. Whether it comes from reading the Bible, sitting in church, listening to some random comment that someone makes, something I suddenly think about or however, I believe that is the inspiration required to ensure that a certain message gets across. If a certain message is not for you on a certain day, maybe it was not meant for you, but for someone else. If that the case you have to get your own message from your own inspiration for that day.

Just now that, firstly, everyday, I write to myself...


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