
The knee is a funny, essential thing.

Tonight I am sittings on this aeroplane with both knees in pain after I ran my first 21.1km race. While I am sitting there is no pain at all. None of my muscles are in pain either, just my knees. The pain is also only if I flex the muscles trying to stand up or going down to sit. Previously, if my knees pained, it was as a result of of something stupid like a cricket ball hitting it, or falling on it.

This time, though, it was while doing something that was worth my time. I placed enormous time into preparation, exercising and paying good money to get to Cape Town where the race was staged. On race day I suffered as the furthest I ever ran was 10km, so all of the last 11.1km was breaking new ground.

If my knees were not working, running would have been impossible. Now that they are, the pain reflects the amount of hammering they took. You see, anything worth doing is worth the pain. Every time I feel my tender knee I am proud of the fact that I finished.

Starting to exercise is painful. Losing weight is painful. Kicking a bad habit is painful. In order to be better, pain should be endured. To stand up for the name of the Lord is painful as well. To stand for what you believe in sometimes hurts. Not all physical, but painful.

Improve your lifestyle by committing more. More to the Lord and more to good habits. More to His glory. Take the pain on the chin, be brave, be bold, live the good life. Live for Him


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