
It is the beginning of summer in South Africa and we are having a scorcher of a week. Our airconditioner at the office was faulty and the heat became almost unbearable. All doors and windows were opened and I consumed water like I had a leak somewhere. During the day we reminded each other that it was a particularly hot day, not that we had to mention it at all!

The water I drank was my only saving grace. Imagine a life without water. Imagine we had to fight each other for a drop of it, either to quench our thirst or to ensure that we can grow food and keep our animals living. What a life that would be. Every time it rains I tell myself that it brings life and that it also reminds me to keep my life growing in Jesus.

No heat that someone applies or any particularly 'hot' day at the 'office' should steal my joy. Some people tend to get you hot under the collar. I wont lose it because of them. I am already saved and I know He loves me. I also know that it is only by my own doing that it could change. Its all a choice.

I choose life.
I choose Jesus.
I choose to live every day as if it is my last, in Him.

You do that too.


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