The end of an era

Today is truly the end of an era in South Africa. Since 1975 until today, to the day, the very same newsreader presented the Afrikaans news on the SABC. His name is Riaan Cruywagen. Apart from that he also recently starred in some VERY funny advertisements, music videos and so forth. Aged 67 he is now retiring.

We all have to retire at one stage. Not only from our work, but from life itself. Our time on earth would be over. Our body might remain here, but our spirit won't. What happens than? Does it matter what happens then?

There are only a few things that matters, really matters, and here they are:
1 - That you give your life to the Lord, submitting wholeheartedly, living fully for Him
2 - That you spread the message in every way possible, ensuring that everyone knows

How is that done?

Not easy at all... Everyday, every moment of our lives, we to set the example. It does not matter if I am at work, at my home, with family or where ever, I need to tell of His mercies, grace and love. Not because you have to, but out of love


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