
I have experienced the miracle of flying again today. My very first flight was in 2006 when I went to visit my best friend in Cape Town. The next week I flew to Cape Town again for work. By now I can not remember (or count) how many times in my life I flew!

Every time I sit in an aeroplane I realise what a miracle it is... I have not had bad experiences, but I had some bumpy rides. Today was one of them. When you sit in the air and look down, when you see the different landscapes and the places that you can recognise from above, it brings a perspective of how privileged we are. 100 years ago things were very different. The world truly became a smaller place!

These days seeing an aeroplane is normal. Its part of our lives, nothing notable. But, if an aeroplane falls anywhere in the world, it is headline news. Lives are lost and someone has to be accountable. As if a plane falling is more unlikely than having a car accident. Why is it so? Probably because there are less planes, but also because more people die at one time. And the fact that the risk is so high and every precaution is taken.

The Lord designed birds way before man even thought about flying. He knew way in advance that, oneday, we will fly in planes. He was the inspiration behind flying. 

And He is our inspiration behind us living...


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