Cage fighting

My wife spent the last week and a bit marking the final exam of the grade 12 pupils in South Africa. It is a rigorous process where everything is verified and checked at least 3 times. The hours per day are also extreme, so after a while there no fun in it all.

The one day she saw a dove that flew into the building. It got stuck on the top floor where the windows were to high to reach in order to open. The dove was there for a few days when she decided to call security and let then open the windows so that the dove could escape. 

All they managed to do is chase the dove around until it was to tired to fly any further. It collapsed as a result of exhaustion and probably a lack of food and water. She took it outside where it was able to enjoy freedom again, its heart pounding of shock.

Sometimes in life we are also like that. We are captured and scared, caught in a corner of life, when we can not see a way out. We run around and try every way possible, but to no avail, we are stuck. That is, until we surrender the issue to God and allow Him to show us the correct door to take. Once outside we live in freedom (Hopefully His freedom) again.

Put your trust in the Lord and allow Him to take control of those closed doors. He has ALL the keys...


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