Why do you cry?

All of us, at some stage or the other, cry. We as men, even if we don't want to admit it, cry. Crying is probably as much part of living as laughing. Something that happens from time to time, even if we do not prefer it.

So, why do we cry? We cry when someone passes away and we cry when things do not quite go our way. We also cry tears of joy when we are extremely happy.

All of us have a few things in life that really matters to us. Those driving forces or passions. Besides the people we love, these things make us tick whether it is your work, a hobby or some strange passion. If that is what you love you will put your heart into it.

But then, at certain stages in life, things don't always go your way... What you have planned or desired goes wrong, not according to plan. You might have failed yourself or someone might have failed you.

Its fine to cry. You cry since your heart is in pain. Since one of your passions did not work out, or had a speed wobble. Its not the end of the road. It will never be.

Also cry before the Lord. He gave you a heart, not of stone, but of flesh so that you may live. A gentle heart so that you may feel. And tears, so that you can show those feelings...

Live your passions, in the Lord


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