
Do I trust the Lord in everything I do?

Can the Lord trust me?

How do I define this "trust" thing?

These are general rules for trust in a relationship, but can easily be applied in our relationship with the Lord:

The first thing you need to do show you are trust worthy, and to build trust in relationships is to warn people, or explain yourself when you do something out of the norm in your behavior. Do this before your behavior is questioned. Most of the time, people wait until they are questioned, and then even legitimate excuses sound odd. So, if things are crazy in your life, or if some major life change is taking place, just point it out. This will help people to judge your behavior through the right lens.

Next you want to build your trust worthiness by being predictable. When people know what to expect from you, it is less likely they will get suspicious about your actions, or not trust your deeds. So, stay predictable, or make sure you have a reason for changing your behavior, and that it is evident. You will want to be consistent with what you do, and even if you throw in some spontaneity, do it consistently so it is not questioned.

Next, you will want to make sure your words match the message. No one is going to think you are trust worthy if you say one thing and do another over and over. So, if you want to say something make sure you say it with truth, and make sure that your actions are consistent with your words. Do not tell someone you love them and hate being away from them as you rush off early for work. So, build your trust and show you are trust worthy by making sure your words, tone of voice, body language and facial expressions are really consistent.

With God it is the same:
 - Behave consistently: Read your Bible, pray, etc every day
 - Be predictable: With integrity, true to yourself, others and God.
 - Let you actions speak for themselves

Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.


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