On Broadway


Tonight my wife and I went to their schools musical. It's an annual affair and improves yearly. My wife has nothing to do with it, but loves to go and as a consequence I go with. Every year I walk out of there blessed by the pure talent at hand.


It is quite obvious that the kids, as well as the teachers involved dedicate a major amount of time to the musical. To sing probably comes naturally to most of them, but to do it to perfection requires sheer determination. And then comes the dancing... It isn't just a sing-song, the kids have to dance and perform while singing. this has to be practised over and over to perfect.

For them the end result comes at a cost. Nothing in life that is worth something comes easily, it comes at a cost. Passion, dedication, time and effort. Without putting your mind and body into it it won't happen.

Dedicate your time to your passion, let your passion be the Lord.


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