Keep sane

Oh, how things have changed.

With many of our social interactions limited, restricted or over a data line, our world is suddenly much smaller. Modern technology in airplanes, the internet, mobile phones etc made the world a very small, fast moving space. BUT, in a flash, that all changed.

Some tips from the ever popular Craig Groeschel on how to stay sane and lead from home:

  1. Go to bed at the same time as normal - Keep a routine
  2. Set your alarm and get out of bed - Don't keep hitting snooze
  3. Shower, shave and get dressed - I promise you'll feel better
  4. Set 3 work goals - So you could feel like you got something done
  5. If you can't do much, do something that helps you grow - Don't waste your time watching too much Netflix
  6. Create a workspace - Get yourself in a mindset to work
  7. Take breaks - Like taking a walk
  8. Exercise - Sit ups, pull ups. lunges, anything
  9. Eat healthy - Stay on a normal rhythm
Some very sound advice from a man that spews leadership. And something to truly aspire to.

Be realistic, none of us LOVE change, and are mostly forced into it. By following this, you might just remain sane amid the storm.

Thanks Craig


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