A new world order

People are living in fear.
People are scared.
The fear of losing their lives, their loved ones, their work, their possessions.
People fear the fact that things will change.
As the saying goes, there is nothing to fear about change, but change itself.

Remote working is at the order of the day. All companies that could continue with business in some shape or form is currently trying to establish ways and mechanisms to continue remotely.

A Harvard Business Review highlights the following:

  1. Challenges of remote work:
    1. Lack of face-to-face supervision
    2. Lack of access to information
    3. Social isolation
    4. Distractions at home
  2. How managers can support remote employees:
    1. Establish structured daily check-ins
    2. Provide several different communication technology options
    3. establish rules of engagement
    4. provide opportunities for remote social interaction
    5. Offer encouragement and emotional support
What is clear from the above it that no one actually can prepare you fully for remote working. We do not know how long lockdown will remain in its current state. We do not know how things will change from before to after this lockdown. What we DO know, is that things will probably never be the same.

WE need to adapt. WE need to change. WE need to be inward looking.

For us, as human beings, our families, our relationships and our work to succeed, it is imperative that we renew our thinking. Some might have this, but most of us do not. Reach out to your sub-ordinates. You be the change. And think about how you can improve processes, procedures and principles. 

Everything in life happens for a reason. I do not know what the reason for COVID19 is, but I can only please the hand that was dealt to me. I will use this as an opportunity. Let us change for the better. 

With reference to https://hbr.org/2020/03/a-guide-to-managing-your-newly-remote-workers


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