What a waste

Recently I have found myself in an odd space. I regard myself as a driven person who knows what he wants and how to get there, but I might have the end-of-the-year-syndrome...

It feels as if nothing get going quite as fast as I would like it to. Nothing works out quite as well. Worst of all, I do not always push as hard as I am used to, as if I am wasting time...

Reasons we might waste unnecessary time on:
1. You overload on administrative work.
2. You put off quick tasks that settles the small matters there and then.
3. You micromanage employees/tasks.
4. You let daily developments drive you and do not focus on the bigger picture
5. You don't have a clear social-media strategy - Facebook, twitter etc interferes with work
6. You try to reinvent the wheel by doing things that can be borrowed from others
7. You repeat the same things over and over.

Here are some ways to stop wasting time:
1. Stop random email checks - Have specific time for that (including the Internet)
2. Quit “winging-it” (Make a list of tasks - it takes 5 minutes - and start performing)
3. Don’t be an interruption magnet - focus on your own things and do the properly
4. End your silent procrastination - Any time spent on less important activities is a step backwards

But more that this, procrastination with family, loved ones and God is much worse. When you get to the point where you are just here on earth, but not REALLY living, red lights should have been flashing a long time ago.

This happened in 2 Kings 19:4 to Elijah: Then he went on alone into the wilderness, travelling all day. He sat down under a solitary broom tree and prayed that he might die. "I have had enough, LORD," he said. "Take my life, for I am no better than my ancestors who have already died."

He did not want to be here anymore. He was seriously procrastinating... In the desert, far away from everything. BUT:

Verse 5: Then he lay down and slept under the broom tree. But as he was sleeping, an angel touched him and told him, "Get up and eat!"

He had unfinished business. He could not decide by himself that he wanted to die. That is not for man to decide, but only God.

If you read the rest of the verse you will find that the Lord had a big task left for Elijah. Although he procrastinated, the Lord went to extreme measures to get him to do what was required. Me and you might not be that lucky. In sitting back and wasting time we might miss our entire goal here on earth, whatever that may be.

Don't take the chance, it is not worth it



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