
After all the talking about sin etc etc, it feels a bit somber. The fact of the matter is this:

John 6:40 in the Message says: This is my Fathers will - that anyone who sees the Son and trusts who He is and what He does and then aligns to Him will enter real life (eternal life).

The dictionary gives the following definitions to the word align:

verb (used with object)

1. to arrange in a straight line; adjust according to a line.
2. to bring into a line or alignment.
3. to bring into cooperation or agreement with a particular group, party, cause, etc.
4. to adjust (two or more components of an electronic circuit) to improve the response over a frequency band, as to align the tuned circuits of a radio receiver for proper tracking throughout its frequency range, or a television receiver for appropriate wide-band responses.

We should align (bring into cooperation or agreement) ourselves to Him and we will have rest, peace, this holidays and forever. He has done everything for us already. Now it is our turn.

Then we will see God's plan again:

1. God accepts Jesus and shows Him His heart - Matt 3:17
2. Angels come and serve - Mat 4:11 Jesus rests in Him.
3. The Holy Spirit leads Jesus - Mat4:1 It's all God's plan

God has a plan for us, He has a heart for us, even before our formation, and we will find rest in Him.


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