
On my bucket list I had a goal to run at least 6 half-marathons in my life. Why I made it 6 I could never recall. Quite a random number on hindsight... I was never a great jogger, actually not at all. I used to tease my wife at school by using the popular verse in Proverbs that says only a fool runs if he is not chased. Not quite what it is intended for, but funny at the time.

Since the operation I decided with my friend in Cape Town that we would do my first one  together at the Table Mountain National Reserve. I've been there twice, both times with him. It's one of the most amazing places in the country, and I've seen quite a bit of the RSA. We call it "The Point". 

So, the last few months my wife and I made a commitment as well some lifestyle changes. Very refreshing! But why am I telling you this? Quite simple: To change one's lifestyle is actually very simple. The lack of interest I showed before in running versus my current apatite for it indicates that.

Three different people can read this story:
1 - Those who already believe and actively live for God
2 - Those who never believed or actually committed their lives to Him
3 - Those who at some stage committed their lives but slid back is now not as committed as before.

If you can categorise yourself in one of these, actions should apply to you:
1 - Keep on giving your all. Ensure that every day you exercise the basics of being a follower. Stay committed. Be the best example you can to others as well. Take others with you.
2 - Make your first commitment ever. Find someone to stay accountable to. Make the decision to change your lifestyle
3 - Recommit to Him. Ask the Lord to forgive you for dwelling off. Make a plan to not make the same mistakes as before.

Then, when we are all on the same page, let us RUN together!


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