
Romans 12:1 in the Message again: So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering.

Yesterday we dealt with sleeping, so lets look at eating. I absolutely love good food. During my days at school my brothers and I used to eat 2 loafs of bread for lunch. As time went on I discovered that more is not always better, so I changed to quality. Now I enjoy food, and boy, its great!

Why would the writer of this scripture mention that we should also offer our eating life to God? How is it relevant? I think that it is a few things. The fact that it is a necessity to eat. We have to! Also, it requires quite some time to prepare food. Time that sometimes could be spent with Him.

But, most of all, I think, it is not just meant literally. It refers to the fact that our bodies are a temple of God. By eating healthy, exercising and not poisoning your body. We have to start changing  our lifestyles. At our work all employees (and bosses) either started exercising or lost weight.

Eating is important, and a treat, share a meal with someone today. Remember that God is always there...


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