I have the fortune to work with some very intelligent people. I also have the fortune of working with some very experienced individuals. In certain cases, these are the same people. I a casual conversation I realised again that we are never to old, intelligent, experienced, or wise to learn something new. The only limiting factor to learning is ourselves. At Spesres we train students in entrepreneurship. We train students in theory of business, and how to set it up. We also endeavour to get students to start thinking about how they can start something where they are, with what they have and with the current skillset they possess. What we might lack, is the knowledge I gained from a casual conversation, so here goes For you to really be an entrepreneur you need 3 basic things: 1. Believe in what you do You might be on to something great. It might be something that does not yet exist. Or it might exist, but not in your area. It ...