
It’s been a while (years actually) since I last wrote something. No excuses, it’s all me...

The events of the past few months forces all of us into a bit of a rethink. The world is upside down and at the same time busy with a full reset. COVID19 is here, and it is real.

In South Africa we are on day 2 of a 21 day “lockdown”. The intention is to stop us from spreading the virus amongst each other by isolating in our homes. A few new terms were also coined recently: self-isolate, lockdown, social distancing, corona, etc, while a number of campaigns are active: #nohands, #stay, #stayhome, etc.

This time at home gives us a lot of opportunity. Time to build our meaningful relationships, time to think about the important things in life, time to perform those admin tasks we never get time for. Reality is that we can do with this “added time” what we wish. Waste it, or use it wisely.

Plan your days. Structure your time. Give some of yourself to others. Pray if you do. Start if you don’t. Above all, make an impact, since life will never be the same again...


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