Oh, hear my heart Lord

Dear Lord

I know that you love me. I know that you only want the best for me. You think of me and about me the whole day, for eternity onwards. Long be for I came to this earth did you know me inside out. You are always there for me. You are always ready to help. You are always smiling over me, even if I am not at my best.

There is nothing that I can do to impress you. I can do my level best not to be a disappointment to you, but will not always succeed. Your decision to choose me was made years ago and you do not give up on your word. You do not change your mind. You are the only constant in my life.

There are so many questions that I need to ask you. The only thing is, I already know the answer, since your plans for me are all good. There are so many times that I doubt these plans, but I know that you will never let me get tested beyond my limits. There are times in my life when I think that you will give up on me, but I know that you can’t, since you live in me.

The day I chose to live for you was the day my life turned around for ever. I wish that I can share this great love you have for me with everyone I know. I wish everyone on earth could feel it and then share it, live by it. Make me humble and grateful rather than selfish and unconcerned.

Thank you for giving me life. Help me to keep choosing life!

I praise you and love you.



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