Commitment compliments competence

I was still a student when I attended a sermon where the key part of the message related to the commitment you display in serving. You rather allocate a task to someone who is committed to the task, than potentially the person that is best skilled or equipped for the specific task. This was 20 odd years ago and there must be a reason why, to this day, I still remember this? Now that I have to manage people and processes for a living, my actual work has shifted from “doing” to a more “controlling” scenario. I am constantly looking for people who has a certain trait, skill, or competence to ensure that the job gets done, but more often than not I find that the person who excels at the task is the one who grinds it out. The person who’s heart is in it, who believes in the bigger picture and knows that he or she does not know it all, and has to prove something. So, what is it that we look for to ensure we get the “perfect” employee? Commitment and dedication ...